I chose to adapt a poem about suicide, Résumé BY DOROTHY PARKER. I came at this subject using my own experience with suicide and the concerns I have with how it is portrayed in media, often with simple endings, but for some people it is a lifelong issue that follows them through their ups and downs.
I used a combination of paper puppet and 2D animation to create my first tradigital animated piece. I chose to use faceless, unattractive characters to help lean into the ugliness of this material. The removal of faces from the puppets and use of stop motion creates a buffer between the viewer and the uncomfortable topic.
I used a combination of paper puppet and 2D animation to create my first tradigital animated piece. I chose to use faceless, unattractive characters to help lean into the ugliness of this material. The removal of faces from the puppets and use of stop motion creates a buffer between the viewer and the uncomfortable topic.
For this piece I created 50 puppets, with 30+ additional pieces for altercations and created more than 25 backgrounds that had to be animated in aftereffects.
Short Process video showing the way I composited the film together from stop motion in Dragonframe to the final version in the film I complied in Adobe Premiere Pro.
This is the Senior Showcase bumper I created for the L A+D department showcase at the Brattle Theater screening.